Monday, January 11, 2010


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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Grand prix

So pretty cool.. Sat and watched a grand prix in wellington next to the ledgend George Morris. It was a very cool hour .. George commentated on each rider and horse and we listened and hung on every word. Very cool very cool .
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Just walked a grand prix course in wellington with George Morris and anne k not to be a dork .. But so cool!!
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Pink escalade ! Palm beach
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Saturday, January 9, 2010

West palm

So I'm off to wellington to a united states Olympic committee function. . I have really no idea what that means but I'm going! Allison springer is already down there so I'm staying with her for 2 days and then back to the fork . . Karen Sara direks Michael pollard Jan bynne will all be there to aswell as the short listed show jumpers and dressage riders . . Ill let ya know what it is we are doing in a few days . . Should be exciting whatever it is ! Xx
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Tuesday, January 5, 2010


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